
  1. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    how did you access that? You aren't supposed to be able to play anything past 6-10 as after that it goes back to 1-1.
  2. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    Yeah uh Limbo Page is meant to not be accessible hence the messy look and some of levels either being kind of bland or having a bunch of random stuff in it due to stuff from other levels being moved there.
  3. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    Maybe? I'm not sure at this point in time.
  4. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    JacobAwesomeness updated Plants vs. Zombies Legacy with a new update entry: 1.3.1 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy - 1.3.1 Update/1.3.1版本更新

    -Gold Magnet is now Popcorn -Sea-shroom is now Roller-shroom -Nerf gatling pea and freezytail -Buff wall-nut and pumpkin, buff/nerf umbrella leaf -Dancers, gargs, catapults, and zomboni were nerf in regards to their hp -Flags and imploding were nerf in regards to their spawn tiers. -Beghoulded...
  6. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    JacobAwesomeness updated Plants vs. Zombies Legacy with a new update entry: Puzzles Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy - Puzzles Update/解谜模式更新

    -Rework Slot Machine a bit -Beghouled and Beghouled twisted has a higher match count now -Alot of the puzzles stages have been tweaked where the vases in vasebreaker may contain different stuff then in the original game and I zombie has some different plants in some of the levels -Tweak one...
  8. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    currently trying to figure out why it's like that, right now, the link for the download is in place of the extraction code, so I guess that can work until I know why the download button only gives you the images
  9. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy 1.3.1

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy is a mod of Plants vs Zombies 1 that aims to give a more different experience then the original game. The mod also doesn't really focus on being hard, yes it's harder then the original game but the difficulty isn't the main focus, it's more so for players who may not...
  10. JacobAwesomeness

    Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

    JacobAwesomeness submitted a new resource: Plants vs. Zombies Legacy - A mod that aims to provide players with a differenet feeling then of the orginal game. Read more about this resource...